10th Selection The Right Career Free Pdf Notes Punjab Board

English Selection The Right Career Free PDF Download Punjab Curriculum

Class-10 English Unit-9 Notes free PDF Downloadable

Gaining knowledge ,is the first step to wisdom,Sharing it ,is the first step to Huminity”

Selection The Right Career Pdf Notes covers !

Q1:What were some famous careers for the young people in the past?

Some famous careers for young people in the past were to be a doctor, a pilot or an engmeer.

Q2:Nowadays non-traditional Carriers are more appealing to young minds? Why?

Today life has become more dynamic and innovative. That’s why non-traditional careers are more appealing to young minds.

Q3:What is meant by the “right profession”?

Right profession means a profession that is in accordance with the interest and taste of the person. It also guarantees a profitable subsistence and mental satisfaction.

Q4:Why is it important to consider the scope of any field?

The greater the scope of any profession is, the better social status it offers to us. So, it is important to consider the scope of any field because it helps to choose a right profession.

Q5:Is there any need of proper career counselling department? Why?

Yes, there is a dire need of proper career counselling department because this department can determine the personalities of students. It can observe and analyze their interests. It can also suggest them suitable career according to their aptitude.

Q6:How can career counselors help the young people?

Career l;ounselors l;an play a key role in guiding the youth towards a rewarding profession. Secondly, 14-15 years old students are not mature enough to make life changing decisions, so, it is career counselors who can guide them in all the matters concerned.

Q7:Which career do you want to opt for? Give reasons.

I want to go for teaching. It is a very noble profession. It is the teacher who makes doctor, engineers, lawyers and judges etc. Without the teachers no profession is possible. So, I would love to be a teacher.

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